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Technological Innovation in the management of Film-Coating

Data: 02_02_2023
Category: Best in class Technologies

Biofarma Group is accelerating the technical innovation process of its production sites. The Mereto site has equipped itself with a new latest-generation coating pan plant for coating tablets and filming with qualitatively higher standards than translational technologies.

The process of filming tablets

Filming involves the formation of a thin layer of film-forming polymer around the tablet. This layer, with a thickness of 20 to 100 μm, represents approximately 1-10% of the initial weight of the tablet. During filming, the coating is applied to the tablet in a rotating drum basin plate.

The coating process represents a very delicate step in the production of tablets that requires three starting conditions:

  1. The tablet core is formulated to withstand the mechanical stresses to which it is subjected during the process to make it possible for the film to adhere to its surface.

  2. The coating agent, with its specific composition

  3. The filming process must correctly calibrate the delicate balance between the atomization of the dispersion of the coating and drying

State of the art film coating technology

Biofarma group boasts a strong know-how of the different parameters in the filming phase, offering its customers solid experience in formulations to develop robust and practical solutions.

IMA’s new Effecta 750 implant is a perforated basin for core coating using filming processes. High-quality components include a perforated basket and plowshares specially designed for effective core mixing.

Among the most important strengths of the system, we find:

  • High production capacity with batches of 500-600 kg for each processing;

  • Automated washing and drying system of the machine that allows a reduction of the variability of the process;

  • Automated management of process parameters through recipes uploaded to the management computer system;

  • Reduction of basin output variability thanks to automated maintenance of process parameters;

  • Automated download of filmed tablets;

  • The presence of the perforated basket that allows for optimizing the heat exchange between the process air and the cores going to reduce the filming times and, therefore, the thermal stress of the cores themselves

I vantaggi della filmatura

La filmatura delle compresse ha una funzione fondamentale rispetto al mantenimento del target terapeutico e alle proprietà funzionali del prodotto:

  1. Taste-masking: la filmatura migliora il gusto e maschera gli odori associati all’utilizzo di particolari attivi

  2. Facilita la deglutizione, attraverso la creazione di una superfice liscia nel prodotto

  3. Migliora l’aspetto estetico del prodotto soprattutto nei casi particolari in cui gli attivi solo colorati e creano disomogeneità estetica

  4. Garantisce la stabilità del prodotto, proteggendolo da luce, umidità e ossidazione.

© Biofarma Srl C.F. and P.IVA 02895910301
T. +39 0432 868711 F. +39 0432 868018
Via Castelliere, 2
33036 Mereto di Tomba (UD) Italy
Number REA UD - 296214
Date of entry in the
Business Register of UDINE: 01/07/2017
Registration number: 02895910301
Share capital euro 3.000.000